FUSE CDT Annual Scientific Meeting 2025
Wednesday, 4th June 2025
Senate Room, Gilbert Scott Building, University of Glasgow
Our Annual Scientific Meeting brings together the FUSE community—including students, academics, and partners—to share PhD/EngD research projects, showcase academic expertise, and present the latest research. External partners will also share their experiences in Ultrasound technology development. The event offers a valuable opportunity to network, reconnect with old friends and colleagues, and make new connections.
Prof. Mengxing Tang / Imperial College London
Professor Mengxing Tang joined the Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in 2006 and became a Professor in 2018. His current research mainly focuses on developing new imaging techniques of ultrahigh temporal resolution (up to tens of thousands of frames per second) and spatial resolution (down to tens of microns at multi-centimeter depth) using ultrasound, signal and image processing techniques, for visualising and quantifying macro- and micro-vascular structure and flow dynamics.
He also works on developing ultrasound tomography technologies for imaging the human brain, as well as using ultrasound as a brain-computer interface. Professor Tang has a wide range of collaborations with clinicians, biologists, and engineers / physicists. His clinical interests include cardiovascular diseases, cancer, neurological conditions, gut and reproductive system diseases.
Prof. James Windmill / University of Strathclyde
Professor James Windmill is Director of the Centre for Ultrasonic Engineering in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. His research focuses on the investigation of hearing systems in insects to inspire the development of new acoustic and ultrasonic sensors and systems.
He is also interested in sustainable engineering through the process of remanufacturing, the development of new biomedical sensors, and the use of ultrasound in non-destructive evaluation and manufacturing.
Dr. Gillian Lang / Glasgow Science Centre
Dr Gillian Lang has been working in the Science Centre sector since 1999 developing and delivering quality science engagement experiences. After spending five years researching physics for biomedical applications, she joined Glasgow Science Centre in 1999 as part of the team to establish a new science centre in the city.
Gillian has developed a well-rounded and strategic approach working across a variety of departments. She is now part of the executive team with a particular responsibility for developing strategic external partnerships that help develop Glasgow Science Centre as a national resource and a hub for science communication.
Gillian also leads the Exhibition Development Service, delivering projects for both internal and external partners. Recently this has included the School of Health and Wellbeing ‘Glasgow’s Health’ exhibition at the University of Glasgow, the External Environment project at Glasgow Science Centre and the BAE Systems Skills Academy exhibition in Scotstoun.